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How We Can Help Your Teen Daughter Have a Healthy Start to the School Year

There’s a lot to do for teenage girls preparing to go back to school in the fall. Many kids will visit their family physician for vaccination updates and general health checks in addition to shopping for school supplies and clothes.

However, this time of year is also a great time to focus on the gynecological health of growing girls. The doctors at The Guirguis Obstetrics & Gynecology Group offer comprehensive and compassionate care to adolescent and teenage girls, so you can help your daughter get started on the right path to complete health.

What to expect from your teen’s first visit to the gynecologist

Puberty can be an overwhelming and confusing time in a girl’s life. They likely have questions about periods and sex or may experience new symptoms, such as painful cramps and heavy bleeding. Because of the many physical and emotional changes puberty can bring, it’s a great time to introduce your daughter to a trustworthy gynecologist who’s experienced in adolescent care. 

The team at The Guirguis Obstetrics & Gynecology Group will review your child’s personal and family medical history, their overall health, and their relationships and interests. This will help build a solid foundation of trust that will set the stage for long-term gynecological care. Your daughter’s provider can address a variety of topics that concern their health and wellness, including the following:


If your daughter has started her period, the gynecology team can address any questions or concerns they may have about heavy bleeding, spotting, or irregular periods. The physicians can also address the safe use of tampons.

Hormone changes

Fluctuations during puberty can cause issues, such as mood swings, painful cramps, and other unusual symptoms. If your daughter is experiencing any of these types of issues, The Guirguis Obstetrics & Gynecology Group providers can review them and recommend treatments that can keep your daughter comfortable.

Reproductive health

The providers at The Guirguis Obstetrics & Gynecology Group use a gentle approach during initial pelvic exams. The goal of the exam is to ensure that your daughter’s reproductive organs are functioning properly and that there are no abnormalities, such as fibroids, which could interfere with your teen’s period or sexual health.

Birth control

When girls begin menstruating, they can get pregnant. If your daughter is having sex or thinking about it, it’s important that they understand their options for contraception and how to protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases.

The experienced gynecologists can determine which type of birth control is best for your teen’s needs and offer choices including condoms, pills, or intrauterine devices.

With the support of you as her parent and the team at The Guirguis Obstetrics & Gynecology Group, your teen will learn about the importance of self-care. They’ll also learn to feel confident in discussing issues with you and their doctor that may make them feel uncomfortable regarding their health.

To schedule your teen daughter's first gynecological exam, book an appointment online or over the phone with The Guirguis Obstetrics & Gynecology Group today.

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