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Can Hormone Replacement Therapy Stop My Night Sweats?

Can Hormone Replacement Therapy Stop My Night Sweats?

Night sweats are a common side effect of menopause that many women dread. Not only are they inconvenient and uncomfortable, night sweats can also negatively impact your ability to get good quality sleep.

At The Guirguis Obstetrics & Gynecology Group, our experienced medical team understands how frustrating menopause symptoms can be. We specialize in hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to rebalance your hormone levels so you can find relief from night sweats and other menopause-related symptoms.

Our board-certified OB/GYNs also offer ongoing support to help you navigate the menopause transition in good physical, mental, and emotional health.

The experience of night sweats

Night sweats describe excessive sweating that occurs while you sleep. The drenching sweat can soak through your night clothing and your sheets.

You can experience multiple episodes of sweating during the night, which can wake you up from sleep or prevent you from falling back to sleep.

In addition to sweating, many women also experience physical symptoms, such as an uncomfortable warmth throughout their body and an increased heart rate.

Why menopause contributes to night sweats

Menopause is a common cause of night sweats in women. The excessive sweating you experience results when your estrogen and progesterone hormone levels start declining at the end of your childbearing years.

Because these hormones play a role in controlling your body temperature, an imbalance in their levels can lead to sudden temperature increases that cause excessive sweating. During the day, you might also experience hot flashes, which are sudden feelings of warmth that spread through your face and upper body.

In addition to menopause, night sweats may also be a symptom of hormone changes that occur with your monthly period, during pregnancy, or due to a thyroid disorder.

Night sweats can also be a warning sign of other medical conditions, such as:

If you develop night sweats but aren’t sure why, you can meet with our medical team for blood work and other diagnostic testing. If testing reveals that you’re transitioning into menopause, our providers can determine if hormone replacement therapy is a treatment option for you.

How hormone replacement therapy can stop night sweats

Because night sweats can result from an imbalance in your reproductive hormones, you may be able to find lasting relief from excessive sweating by rebalancing your endocrine system with supplemental hormones.

Our gynecologists have extensive experience creating hormone replacement therapy plans that support women through the challenges of menopause. We can prescribe supplemental estrogen and/or progesterone to balance the levels of hormones your body produces naturally.

Supplemental hormones are available in a variety of delivery methods, including pills, creams, and patches. Our team also offers hormone pellets that we implant just beneath the surface of your skin. These pellets then deliver a steady stream of hormones to relieve night sweats and other symptoms.

Hormone replacement therapy can also address hot flashes, vaginal dryness, sleep disruptions, and other common menopause symptoms, so you can enjoy a higher quality of life. To learn more about how hormone replacement therapy can help you, book an appointment online or over the phone with The Guirguis Obstetrics & Gynecology Group today.

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