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What Are My Chances of Getting Pregnant After Endometriosis Treatment?

What Are My Chances of Getting Pregnant After Endometriosis Treatment?

Your ability to achieve a viable pregnancy after undergoing endometriosis treatment depends on a number of factors, including the type of treatment you have.

At The Guirguis Obstetrics & Gynecology Group, we specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis, which is a condition that affects about 11% of adolescent girls and adult women in their childbearing years.

Our highly skilled OB/GYNs offer a range of treatment options for endometriosis. We consider your family planning goals and other factors before deciding on which treatment is best for you.

How endometriosis affects fertility

Endometriosis is a gynecological condition that develops when endometrial tissue, which normally lines the uterus, grows outside of the uterus.

Unfortunately, this excess tissue continues to act like it does in the uterus, thickening and breaking down during your monthly menstrual cycle. However, because there’s no way for this tissue to exit your body, it stays trapped inside, which can lead to a host of symptoms, such as abnormal or heavy menstrual flow, pain during intercourse, and excessive menstrual cramps.

Furthermore, the growth of this abnormal tissue can affect your ability to achieve or maintain a healthy pregnancy in several ways, including:

Many women with endometriosis have concerns about their ability to become pregnant, especially after receiving treatment for the condition. Our OB/GYNs understand your concerns and provide you with all the information you need about your treatment options, so you can make informed decisions about your health.

Endometriosis treatments that support fertility

One of the biggest considerations you have to make about endometriosis treatments is your plans for family. This is because some treatments can prevent the possibility of future pregnancies.

If you’re still planning to have children, our team can recommend strategies to preserve your fertility and improve your chances for a successful pregnancy. These strategies may include:

Gonad-releasing agonist medications

Gonad-releasing agonist medications put your body into a temporary menopause, which slows the growth of endometrial tissue for a period of time. After stopping the medications, your period returns and it may be easier for you to become pregnant.

Laparoscopic surgery

Laparoscopic surgery requires only small incisions over your pelvic region to remove the excess endometrial tissue from your reproductive organs without damaging surrounding tissue. Following this type of surgery, many women are able to become pregnant and maintain a viable pregnancy.

Because many factors can influence your fertility, our providers can discuss your chances for becoming pregnant during your initial consultation.

If you’re sure you’re done having kids but are bothered by persistent pelvic pain or other endometriosis-related symptoms, we might recommend endometrial ablation, birth control pills, or other treatments that may be able to provide long-lasting relief.

To learn more about your options for preserving your fertility following treatment for endometriosis, book an appointment online or over the phone with The Guirguis Obstetrics & Gynecology Group today.

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