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What Type of Birth Control is Right for Me?

The decision to plan your family the way you want is a personal one. At Guirguis Obstetrics & Gynecology Group, the experienced physicians offer a variety of birth control options to accommodate your plans and ensure your good health.

Exploring your options

The two main types of birth control are hormonal and nonhormonal. Hormonal options work with your body to prevent conception by regulating your ovulation cycle. Common hormonal options of birth control include:

Nonhormonal options don’t change your ovulation cycle. They prevent sperm from traveling to the egg. Common nonhormonal birth control options include:

Those who have completed their family and no longer wish to have children may opt for permanent methods of birth control, such as a tubal ligation, which prevents the release of eggs.

Determining the right option for you

With so many options to consider, it can seem overwhelming trying to choose the right option. The skilled gynecologists at Guirguis Obstetrics & Gynecology Group can help you decide by discussing your needs and the options available. Factors that can influence your choice of birth control include:

Not every woman can safely use hormonal methods of birth control. Some women may have an intolerance to the hormones, and others may have age-related concerns. When you’re over age 35 or have existing health conditions, using hormonal birth control can cause complications and increase your risk of heart attacks, blood clots, and stroke.

Even small issues can influence your choice of birth control. For instance, if it’s difficult for you to remember to take a pill every day, it may be better for you to choose a more convenient form of birth control, such as a birth control implant or an IUD. These options require little maintenance, while still being a reliable option for preventing pregnancy.

Your sexual habits are also a factor in your choice of birth control. Only certain forms of birth control are effective at preventing the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, such as herpes and gonorrhea. Even if you take a pill or use an IUD, you still need to use condoms if you have more than one sexual partner or if you already have an STD.

Expect to try a few methods

Determining the right birth control for you isn’t an exact science. You should expect to try a few methods while looking to find the best option for your needs.

Your gynecologist at Guirguis Obstetrics & Gynecology Group can recommend the right place to start and will follow your progress to ensure your safety. There may be a need to change your method of birth control if you change your plans for family, develop health issues, or just don’t like the method your using.

To find out more about available birth control options, book an appointment online or over the phone with Guirguis Obstetrics & Gynecology Group today.

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